Summer 2023 - Dream trip to Canada - Dream Prize Competition
Canada Road trip time!! its my 50th birthday in June 2023 and after 7/8 years of entering as many competitions as i could, i finally won my dream prize, a £10,000 road trip with Kit Kat!!
Now i am a competition nutcase, i enter them all the time, my friends and family think i am a little crazy but they love my wins as i am good at sharing. i saw this competition coming up early this year and decided it would be a great opportunity to take my sons on a road trip to route 66 with it as we had been saving up. So i asked them to buy the promotional kit kats like the example here:

I would keep the receipts safe and then i could enter the competition. The rules were you could enter twice daily so each day i would go and buy kit kats! all types of flavours and then enter the competition. I started entering on around the 15th January, i didnt manage to enter every day as thats way too much chocolate but i gave it a good go as this was too good a prize to miss out on, i literally willed myself to win! there were 3 parts to this competition, you could either win a lucky bar like the wonka type win, find a winning pack, of you could win by entering the weekly draws and there is also a late draw which is still current and ends 31.12.22 (so if you can find a promtional pack, quick go enter yourself)
ON the 28th February, i got an email whilst at work as per below:
I was pretty in shock and wasnt sure if it was fake as due to lack of internet it had not downloaded properly and looked a bit scammy. Anyway i clicked on the link to add my details and it all looked fine. i had to upload the copies to receipts and barcode of chocolate bars, so i was super glad i had kept them all! how awful if i had won and not bought the actual item.
Sometime later, i received an email to confirm my win and since then i have been planning on what to do with it. The Route 66 was temporarily off the plate as a few days before it was confirmed, my son was given his start date for the Navy, this meant he may not get any leave before the end date of the prize to be taken which is December 2023.
So the next plan was for my Fiance Tony and I to go to Canada in an RV Camper and tour the Candadian Rockies, so next June thats what we will be doing and its perfectly timed as next June, its my 50th birthday so how better to enjoy it. So excited.
So please follow this blog to see the planning of the trip, the actual trip, and hopefully will be adding a vlog of it all if i can figure it out how to do it.
So to all of you who want to win that dream prize, i advise you to keep going, go enter and just remember, "you cannot win it if you aint in it"
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